Hydrologic Sciences and remote sensing
Ardeshir Ebtehaj
Associate Professor
University of Minnesota
College of Science & Engineering
Department of Civil, Environmental and Geo-Engineering
Saint Anthony Falls Laboratory
Editor, Journal of Hydrometeorology
Tel: (612) 301-1483
Office: 378 (SAFL), 162 (CEGE)
e-mail: ebtehaj@umn.edu
GitHub: https://github.com/aebtehaj​
Curriculum Vitae: (PDF)
A short Bio ...
Research Areas
Physical and data-science hydrology, satellite hydrometeorology, microwave remote sensing, inverse problems, data assimilation, land-atmosphere interactions, precipitation, soil moisture, and snow processes.
Statistical learning, mathematical optimization, artificial intelligence and machine learning, and computational harmonic analysis for providing new solutions for remote sensing of water and environment.
Postdoctoral Research, Georgia Institute of Technology
Ph.D., University of Minnesota, Water Resources and Hydrology
M.Sc., University of Minnesota, Mathematics
M.Sc., Iran University of Science and Tech., Environmental Engineering
M.Sc., Iran University of Science and Tech., Structural Engineering
B.Sc., Iran University of Science and Tech., Civil Engineering
Hydrologic sciences and remote Sensing (HydSens) laboratory is an academic team in the Saint Anthony Falls Laboratory (SAFL) at the University of Minnesota.
The overarching goal is to uncover physical mechanisms describing the hydrologic water cycle through modern data science and machine learning approaches and provide solutions for sustainable developments across water and food systems using satellite remote sensing.
Dec 2024: We received 2.1 million dollars of funding from the USACE to study and provide solutions to the problem of Harmful Algal Blooms in freshwater ecosystems (PI: Prof. Hondzo). Hydsense is responsible for the remote sensing component of the project.
Aug 2024: We received funding from NASA's SMAP program to study Arctic lake ice phenology and methane ebullition flux using spaceborne L-band microwave radiometry. This is a collaborative project with the University of Alaska.
March 2024: Divya received an Outstanding Student Presentation Award (OSPA).​